Intelligent Poultry House Monitoring System to improve efficiencies of poultry operations world-wide.
Customer Challenge

Poultry farmers are faced with the objective of increased productivity on their farms.
Their challenges include manual processes, limited SOP compliance by workers, shortage of skilled workers and increasing density of poultry within enclosed spaces.
Lack of an overarching monitoring system was a key limiting factor for poultry farmers.
Denvik’s approach

Requirements Gathering: The Denvik team performed a deep dive into poultry operations at multiple farms. We identified several areas where technology could be integrated to improve compliance and reduce human error.
For example, waste removal at periodic intervals was not being done. This can cause ammonia levels in the air will increase which can cause a drop in egg output. In many farms, the supervisors were under the impression that waste removal was being done as per the defined SOP.
The reality on the ground was different. There were multple such use cases where technology application could improve operational efficiencies.
Creation of Proof of Concept (POC): We created a product road-map and prioritized functionality by product phase. A Minimum Viable Product was created and implemented on some poultry farms to analyze product performance and impact.
The solution designed uses wireless sensors and cloud intellogence to give real time alerts to poultry farmers. Multi-user portal dashboards provide great visibility into each aspect of the operation.
We received great response on the MVP from poultry farmers.
Testing, Validation & Launch: Our final product Ornithon has been launched with a SaaS model making it easy for poultry farmers to pay a monthly fee to use the product.

Ornithon has received great responses from poultry farmers as it gives them monitoring capabilities which they did not have before.
Poultry farmers are now able to significantly improve productivity and increase operational efficiencies.
It is also a cost effective solution that requires no expensive third party hardware.